It doesn’t feel lucky when you can’t find any clothes in your wardrobe that fit, or you hop on the scale to discover you’ve gained a pound. But you are.

Because the cure is THAT good.

The cure (which is a mind hack), that gets you out of having to engage with the destructive eating behaviours that are keeping that extra weight glued to your backside, will get you out of having to engage with every grotty behaviour you’re currently saddled with.

Since I adopted this mind hack into my life, this thinking skill, I have lost 15 pounds because my nose is no longer constantly in the fridge, but I’ve also quit drinking alcohol, drinking sodas, drinking coffee (kind of mid-way through this one actually), I’ve stopped picking my lip – a horrid little habit that has left me with a permanent dent in my bottom lip – and I’ve stopped biting my nails.

There’s more.

I’ve also stopped letting angry, depressed or anxious thinking get its feet under my table. Whenever I experience anything remotely like angry, anxious or depressed thinking of feelings, I just let them jog on without me. I don’t get on the train.

This mind hack gives you power, freedom and agency over your life, the kind that most people can only dream of. Here’s the thing about it – only people who are looking for a cure to a particularly gruesome problem tend to find it – and that’s why I say you are lucky.

Not only are you not going to be overweight for long, you now have in your paw the tool that’s going to make everything else better too. It might seem petty – trying to show people the way to decline food, but it isn’t.

This mind hack is the anti-dote to a substandard life and I feel lucky to be able to pass it on.

So while I realise it might suck for now, I promise, if you adopt this mind hack into your life, things will improve drastically, and fast.

You’ll be well rewarded, indeed.